Sempatap A Primer - 5 litres
- Product Code: A1-1425
- Delivery Time: 2 - 3 working days
- Brand: MGC (Tech. support: 01372743334)
- Model and Size: 5litre primer
4.6 out of 5 - Excellent
Sempatap "A" Primer - 5 litres
Sempatap "A" Primer is a water based primer for absorbent surfaces. Use for pre-treating highly absorbent surfaces, such as plaster, plaster boards, plywood, particle board, brick, concrete, cement screeds, wood, etc. prior to the installation of Sempatap and Sempafloor.
All surfaces must be dry, firm and free from grease and oil. Stir thorough before use. Apply Sempatap "A" Primer evenly with brush, roller or suitable spray. Avoid the formation of pools, puddles on uneven surfaces. Drying time is approx. 1-2 hours depending on porosity of the substrate and room temperature. Excess can be cleaned from surfaces with warm water.
Tools and equipment maybe cleaned with warm and detergent immediately after use. Wear gloves and eye protection. When using do not eat or drink. Wash hands after use. Keep away from children and animals.
Keep container well sealed in cool frost free conditions. Unopened and well sealed containers may be kept up to 12 months.
Please note: this product is non-returnable once purchased. Terms and conditions apply.