MGC One Coat Damp Seal - 2.5 Litre
MGC One Coat Damp Seal - 2.5 Litre
Price: £53.19 (£63.83 inc VAT)
- Product Code: A1-3065
- Delivery Time: 2 - 3 working days
- Brand: MGC (Tech. support: 01372743334)
- Model and Size: 2.5 litres
Our ratings on 30-01-2025:
4.7 out of 5 - Excellent
4.8 out of 5
MGC One Coat Damp Seal - 2.5 Litre
2.5 Litre MGC One Coat Damp Seal is a high performance interior paint which permanently covers damp, water stains and most household stains. It dries with a long lasting permanent seal over damp walls and ceilings and can be painted over with emulsion or gloss paint or the surfaces wallpapered. MGC One Coat Damp Seal would trap moisture to escape over time, preventing flaking of paint or peeling of wallpaper. Seals in damp stains on ceilings and walls including, nicotine, tannin, crayon, mould stains, rust, soot, water stains, most household stains.
- Interior use,
- Solvent based,
- One coat application,
- Fast drying in 2 hours,
- Seals and blocks damp stains,
- Can be applied to damp surfaces,
- Excellent adhesion,
- Easily over coated,
- Allows trapped moisture to escape.
- Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from any grease or wax,
- Remove any unsound paint before applying the Damp Seal,
- Sources of damp should be eliminated before treatment,
- Stir well before use,
- Apply liberally and evenly with a synthetic brush or roller,
- Do not apply to saturated walls or newly plastered surfaces, these should be allowed to dry for one week before application of the Damp Seal,
- One coat is recommended but a second coat can be applied if staining is severe,
- Dries in 2 hours in well ventilated good drying conditions depending on temperature and humidity,
- Re-coat after 2 hours if necessary,
- Re-coating time 2 hours between coats in warm conditions,
- Allow 2 hours before applying a top coat or wallpaper.
Please note: this product is non-returnable once purchased. Terms and conditions apply.