Cut to Size Fireproof Plasterboard Strips for Deflection Heads

- Product Code: A1-5614
- Delivery Time: 2 - 5 working days
- Brand: Various
- Model and Size: Fireproof Plasterboard Strips

4.7 out of 5 - Excellent

Cut to Size Fireproof Plasterboard Strips for Deflection Heads
Cut to Size Fireproof Plasterboard Strips for Deflection Heads are used in plasterboard partitions to allow for movement - up, down or both within the structure at the head of a partition. This deflection is created by live and dead loads on the floor or roof above. The partition below has to accommodate this deflection without transferring load onto the metal studs, so the use of deflection head strips. This way, the deflection head allows the wall partitions not to become a load bearing wall unintentionally. This deflection head allows a specified amount of movement to occur without it imposing any direct loading onto the partition wall.
This deflection needs to interact with the top of non-load bearing partition wall even though it is not intended to be loaded. If a wall is built tight up to the underside of the floor above, it will take some load from that floor. This accidental loading from the floor above can cause the wall to bend, cracking finishes, hogging etc.
Dead load deflection head mounting detail,
Live load deflection head mounting detail,
We can supply cut to size Coreboard Strips for Deflection Heads from various manufacturers.
ADVANTAGES- The perfect solution for your precise construction needs
- Optimal size for versatility
- Top grade durable strips
- Ease of Installation - ready to use