British Gypsum Thistle Bonding Coat Plaster - 25kg

- Product Code: A1-1582
- Delivery Time: Out Of Stock
- Brand: British Gypsum (Tech. support: 01159456123)
- Model and Size: 25kg - bag
- Weight: 25.00kg

4.7 out of 5 - Excellent

British Gypsum Thistle Bonding Coat Plaster - 25kg
British Gypsum Thistle Bonding Coat, a pre-mixed gypsum undercoat plaster ideal for smooth and low suction backgrounds such as medium density blocks, dense blocks, plasterboard, cast in situ & precast concrete, painted or tiled surfaces and metal lathing.
With a final coat of Thistle MultiFinish, Thistle Bonding Coat provides a smooth, inert, high quality surface to internal walls and ceilings, and a durable base for the application of decorative finishes. It is a lightweight, retarded hemihydrate, pre-mixed gypsum plaster, incorporating exfoliated vermiculite aggregate, requiring only the addition of clean water to prepare it for use. This undercoat plaster is one of our products within our plasters range that is certified to BES 6001, achieving a rating of ‘Excellent’. Thistle Bonding Coat is expected to last the service life of a building (60 years).
- Office and commercial space,
- Education buildings,
- Healthcare,
- Industrial structures
- Low suction backgrounds
- Brickwork, blockwork or concrete,
- Gyproc plasterboard,
- Expanded metal lath or surfaces treated with bonding agents
Thistle plasters should be mixed by adding to clean water using clean mixing equipment. Contamination from previous mixes can adversely affect the setting time and strength. Fresh contamination has more effect than old, so equipment should be washed immediately after mixing. Thistle plasters are suitable for mixing by hand or mechanical whisk of a slow speed, high torque type.
While mechanical mixing speeds the process up, there is no need to continue mixing after dispersing lumps and achieving the right consistency. Over-mixing wastes time and energy, can affect setting times, lead to deterioration in workability and create difficulty in achieving a flat finish.
Thistle BondingCoat is not classified as hazardous according to CLP. Plaster may form an alkaline solution on contact with body moistures or when mixed with water.
- EN 13279-1:2008 Gypsum binders and gypsum plasters,
- ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System
- ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System
- BES 6001:Issue 2 Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products
- BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management