ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof for 100mm Party Wall Cavity - Fire Barrier Between Party Wall and Roof Covering - Pack of 9

- Product Code: A1-5595
- Delivery Time: 2 - 3 working days
- Brand: ARC Building Solutions
- Model and Size: TBR100/25

4.7 out of 5 - Excellent

ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof for 100mm Party Wall Cavity - Fire Barrier Between Party Wall and Roof Covering - Pack of 9
ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof for 100mm Masonry Party Wall Cavity is a non-combustible rockfibre mineral wool cavity fire barrier that stops fire between party wall and roof covering. ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof is designed to provide a fire, thermal and acoustic barrier between the top of the party wall masonry work and the underslaters felt. They are fitted along the length of the roof pitch, from soffit to apex ensuring an effective and consistent barrier. The party wall masonry work is stopped at 25mm below the top of the adjacent roof trusses, and then the ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof is compression fitted within the gap, satisfying the NHBC recommendation for a mineral wool fire barrier. ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof achieves up to four hours fire integrity closing the top of the party wall cavity.
Dimensions: a/b x c/d x length: 120mm/100mm x 50mm/300mm x 1200mm
- Easy to install,
- Compression fitted,
- Seals top of party wall cavity
- Up to 4 hours fire integrity,
- Provides fire stopping at the top of a masonry party wall,
- Complies with NHBC 2017 7.2.16.
- ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof is installed once the party wall masonry work is complete.
- Compression fitted between the two leaves of party wall masonry work.
- Should be butted tightly together, with care taken to ensure there are no gaps.