3mm Isocheck ReMat Base 3 Acoustic Screed Underlay
- Product Code: A1-5021
- Delivery Time: 3 - 5 days
- Brand: Isomass (Tech. support: 08458383389)
- Model and Size: 1.0x20m - 20m2
- Weight: 43.80kg

4.7 out of 5 - Excellent

3mm Isocheck ReMat Base 3 Acoustic Screed Underlay
3mm Isocheck Re-Mat Base 3 Acoustic Screed Underlay is an impact improvement under screed system, designed for reducing sound transmission and improving acoustic performance of concrete block and beam floors. The system is used in new build, refurbishment and conversion applications, able to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations, latest version of the Approved Document E. If all the joints are properly taped, the system is able to eliminate the potential bridging problem which is the greatest source if noise transmission.
- Great acoustic properties,
- Ideal for impact sound reduction,
- Very easy to handle,
- Able to prevent water transmission,
- Especially designed for of concrete block and beam floors,
- Able to meet values prescribed by the latest version of the Approved Document E of the Building Regulations,
- Able to satisfy the dynamic stiffness requirement with a figure of 10MN/m3.
Isocheck Re-Mat Base Acoustic Screed Underlay is applicable in new build, refurbishment and conversion applications, to be used in concrete block and beam floors.
Prior to installation of the system the floor must be dry and clean, so that potential debris would not damage the product. All roll edges should be butted and sealed and the perimeters of the mat overlapped onto a right angle flanking edge strip, with at least 50mm above the screed FFL. All joints and overlaps should be additionally fixed with the 100mm duct tape.
If any services are accommodated through the screed, these should also be wrapped with the Re-Mat Base and properly taped. Unnecessary actions should be avoided in order of preventing the tape joints to be force apart.
- Approved Document E of the Building Regulations,
- Tested to BS EN 29052-1:1992.