317.5mm Ancon Reveal Support Plate - Stainless Steel
317.5mm Ancon Reveal Support Plate - Stainless Steel
- Product Code: A1-5950
- Delivery Time: 2 - 5 working days
- Brand: Ancon (Tech. support: : +44(0)1142381238)
- Model and Size: 317.5mm
Our ratings on 28-01-2025:
4.7 out of 5 - Excellent
4.8 out of 5
317.5mm Ancon Reveal Support Plate - Stainless Steel
Length: 317.5mm
317.5mm Ancon Reveal Support Plate is designed to assist in the construction of a brick window reveal. The plate is bonded into the bed joint of the outer leaf to provide a stable bearing onto which the brick reveal is constructed. The long leg of the plate is built into the external leaf of masonry, with the arrow pointing towards the building. To ensure stability, the outer leaf should be built at least one course higher than the reveal bricks at all stages. Reveal plates are only required at the base of reveals; there is no need to install additional plates in the upper courses of brickwork.
- Provides a stable bearing for the construction of brick reveals.
- Simplifies the process of constructing brick window reveals by ensuring proper alignment.
- Helps maintain the integrity of the outer leaf of masonry by distributing loads effectively.
- Allows for various reveal designs while ensuring consistent performance.
- Minimises the need for additional supports or complex construction techniques.
- Made from stainless steel that enhance the longevity of the brick reveal.
- Reduces the overall construction time and costs associated with building reveals.