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Does Spring Affect the Necessity for Insulation

Don’t Forget to Insulate Regardless of the Season

Although people tend to be relieved when winter comes to end, especially in reference to usually lower heating bills during warmer time of the year when compared to harsh and snowy winter months, it is important not to forget the importance and necessity for proper insulation, regardless of the season. Namely, not only does the winter knows to surprise us even during March when we are already getting ready for the spring and summer, but it is always smart to prepare our home for the upcoming cold months and also benefit from all the advantages of insulation also during warmer months of the year.

A very common misconception is that the sole purpose of insulation is to prevent heat loss and keep our home warmer and protected from the cold. Although this is the most important role of insulation, it is not the only one. It is important to understand that properly chosen and installed insulation material can also have many positive effects during spring and summer. Firstly, insulation added to your solid wall and loft can also prevent heat gain through the building envelope that is, prevent the heat from entering your home when it is too hot outside, and thus reducing the need for using air-condition, which, as you know, requires power and energy and thus affects your energy bills. Not to mention that rainy periods which are common for spring and summer, where insulation can also be of great use especially regarding the potential moisture issues that could damage the building structure.

These are all reasons why insulation should not be forgotten, although spring is upon us. As figures from the Energy Saving Trust show, sold wall and loft insulation can drastically reduce your energy bills (even up to £140-£205, depending on the region), not to mention the carbon emission reductions insulation can contribute to. This only shows that, even initial costs of installing insulation may be high, insulation will pay itself for years to come and continue to contribute to energy efficiency of your home. Even simpler measures, such as replacing your boiler or upgrading your windows, can go a long way, as local MP Fiona O'Donnell from East Lothian states. It is important to gather all the facts which can be done through free Home Heat Helpline, where people can get information about the installation of some energy efficient measures and available financial aid, especially since one in every ten households in the UK is eligible for some kind of financial assistance, according to the statement of Lawrence Slade, Home Heat Helpline spokesman, so why not use the opportunity to add insulation and really enjoy the upcoming (hopefully) warmer times. 

Improve your home insulation with our high-quality insulation products. Call us today, visit our webstore or contact us for assistance by email.