DIY Fireproof Insulation Wrap

How to Make Chimney Insulation Wrap
With a pair of skilful hands and some basic information and guidance, one can go a long way. Namely, there are many home DIY projects that you could easily undertake yourself and thus not only do something useful for your home but also save some money in the process. Basically, instead of hiring a professional contractor, you could roll on your sleeves and try to do something yourself. Now, if you are looking for a project that could increase the energy efficiency of your home and also contribute to its safety, why not start with your chimney. Regardless of the type of chimney you have (closed stove, open fire etc), it would be wise to consider adding some insulation that will allow you to safely remove combustion material from the fireplace, but also contribute to preserving the energy within the system, thus keeping your home warmer when necessary. If the above said got you intrigued, then it is time to start making your DIY fireproof insulation wrap. We shall try to explain all the steps, so you can just gather the necessary tools and start insulating!
Step by Step Instructions
There are many options for a fireproof insulation wrap, whereas the final choice will depend on the type of chimney and fireplace you have, but also on the overall budget. However, if you are looking for a cheap, yet effective solution that you can implement yourself, then you can go for brick liners that are very durable and can be made at home, by just following a few simple steps and gathering all the necessary tools.
1. The first and most important thing you need is quality clay that you can either dig up from the garden (if you have one), just be careful to get better quality clay, why we advise you dig a bit deeper. If you cannot obtain the clay this way, then you can always buy some in specialized stores. You should get approximately 5 kg of clay soil, containing 2,5 kg of grog and 2,5 kg of fireclay. Another thing you need for making your fireproof insulation wrap is some sawdust (for the mixture) and a hinged former to shape the brick liner. You can also make this yourself by using some mild steel and make a 40mm by 80mm former (for 180 by 90 by 40 bricks).
2. Now it is time to prepare the mixture by joining all the ingredients. Mix the grog and fireclay with some sawdust and add a little water, until the mixture reaches the desired level of consistency. Steer it properly until it looks like tempered molding sand. Once the mixture is ready, you should remove any large pieces, particles or sand in order of gaining a smooth blend. Then put the blend on a wheelbarrow and slowly add small quantities of water until it is smooth and soft, making sure that any excessive air is removed.
3. Next step in making your heat insulation wrap includes using the previously made hinged former to shape the bricks. Run the former through the mixture, making sure that you take the right amount of the blend, in order of making even bricks. If there is any excessive material, remove it with a blunt knife. Once the necessary number of bricks is formed, you need to put them on a clean and dry surface and leave them for approximately 24 hours to dry completely.
4. The final step in preparing your DIY fireproof insulation wrap involves placing the bricks in the brick oven, leaving them for approximately three hours. However, make sure not to put too many bricks, but rather place them not to close to each other, making sure that they do not overlap. You should heat the oven to around 1.200 Cº and once the bricks are done remove them and place them on a flat surface so they can dry out completely. Once the drying process is done, you can use the bricks as the fireproof insulation wrap for your chimney. However, make sure to use only well formed bricks and throw away any damaged or broken ones, since the bricks should form a continuous wrap, in order of performing as planned.
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